We couldn’t make our dreams come true without your support and trust in our training process. For us, it’s seeing the smiles, the tears, and the joy after a student’s first flight. It’s the joy of giving people the confidence to run into the sky and bring their dreams to life. Below are a few of our students and their comments.


  • Chris - 2021

    “Training with Austin was an amazing experience. Extremely understanding and knowledgable of the troubles and pitfalls that student pilots will face. No judgement when making what you think would be a “dumb” mistake. We would unpack what happened and come up with and practice a plan to move forward and improve.”

  • Mike - 2021

    “Working with Austin during training was an awesome experience! He was there for support when I needed it and would provide insightful advise at the right times. I would highly recommend him for your paramotor training!”

  • Raymond - 2021

    “I met Austin while training to be a paramotor pilot. His instruction was one of the reasons I felt so comfortable getting into the air. He has a deep understanding of the sport and anytime I had problems with a particular aspect he got me through it with patient, insightful advice. If you’re looking to get into paramotoring, I can’t recommend Austin enough.”

  • Zach - 2021

    “I spent a week with Austin during training and was super stoked to have someone with his experience and confidence around. From A to Z, nothing was stressful, just insightful. He’s very honest and really approachable! I followed him on myexploritory flight, and I’ll never forget it!